Emergency Medical Services

***************************************IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY OR FOR THE NEED FOR AN AMBULANCE, CONTACT 9-1-1 OR THE LAKEWOOD TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT AT 732-363-0200.****************************** read more
Crystal Van de Zilver

Crystal Van de Zilver
EMS Chief

Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services
Emergency Medical Services
The Township of Lakewood's Emergency Medical Services Department was established in 1979 providing emergency care to the Lakewood residence and those that travel through. The EMS department is staffed 24 hours a day and equipped to respond to the need of the 100,000 plus residents and their guests, as well as the commercial and
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How do I send in a donation?
Lakewood Township Emergency Medical Services does not solicit monies through mailings, fund drives or phone calls. Lakewood EMS is a municipal township service which is funded through the municipal tax base and offset through monies collected through insurances and other third party agencies. If you suspect you are being solicited for monies on behalf of the Lakewood Township EMS department, please contact the EMS Chief at 732-901-8487. Please obtain when possible the name of the organization soliciting on behalf of Lakewood Township EMS and/or any mailings or phone numbers you may be able to obtain during the solicitation.
Does the EMS department have a Ride Along Program
Currently, the EMS department does not have a ride along program available. A goal to obtain in the future.
Do I receive a bill, if I am transported to the Hospital?
Yes, Lakewood Township EMS is a fee for service agency, which means the EMS Department collects insurance information from the patient and submits a bill on the behalf of the patient. Third Party billing is used to offset the expenses of a 24-hour EMS operation. The EMS staff during your care will ask for pertinent information specific to patient care and personal identification. (Name, Address, Date of Birth, Social Security, Medical History and medications). Upon completion of patient care, our team will ask the patient and/or family member to sign for consent of transport, billing authorization and understanding of the patient privacy policy. Patient billing occurs for any person transported to the hospital via Lakewood Township EMS. Lakewood Township EMS will not deny any person medical care or hold treatment in order to obtain insurance information and due to lack of insurance coverage. Patient care will always be the priority when a request for medical services is needed.
Who do I call if I have a question in regards to a bill received?
Every effort is made to collect the proper information at the time of care when EMS services are rendered. If you receive a letter from our billing agent, this is usually to advise you that we have billed the insurance company on your behalf, asking for more information specific to your insurance coverage or it may be a bill for services rendered to you or a family member.In the event you believe the information is incorrect or have a question in regards to the information received. Please call Revenue Guard at 866-624-0900.
How do I become an EMT?
The State of New Jersey oversees the EMT training program which identifies training centers authorized to teach the 580 hour E.M.T. Basic classroom and skills training course. The course syllabus includes, medical, traumatic, preparedness, medical-legal and hands on skills associated with each of the modules. Quizzes and tests throughout the course prepare the student for the required state of New Jersey Testing of knowledge and skills in order to obtain the three-year certification. Initial Certification for EMT training can be found on the following site https://njems.njlincs.net/jsp/rlm/catalog.js or contact the Ocean County Fire and EMS Academy, Waretown at (732)919-3045 ext. 1402
How can I obtain a career in the EMS department at Lakewood?
Lakewood Township is currently a Civil Service agency, any positions for full-time or per-diem employment would be posted on the NJ Civil Service Commission website. https://www.state.nj.us/csc/seekers/jobs/announcements. To be considered for employment the candidate must be at minimum 18 years of age, possess a valid New Jersey certification as an Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic, possess a valid certification in Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation healthcare provider, Valid N.J. driver's License, Incident Command 100, 200, 700. Additional training requirements include - Hazardous materials awareness, CBRNE Awareness, Right to Know and Pre-hospital trauma Life Support or International Trauma Life Support. Must pass a physical screening, drug test and panel interview. Prefer a minimum of two years' experience as an EMT in a pre-hospital setting.

The Emergency Medical Services

1555 Pine Street
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM
Note: If this is an OPRA request it must be sent to the Township Clerk