How do I reserve the use of a Township park?
Complete and submit the Township Parks Use application located in the Related Resources section of the Public Works page.
How do I request an additional can, report a damaged can or request a can for new contruction?
Please visit the Department Public Works Related Resources section for the link to our new 3-1-1 Mobile app. Or copy and paste this link:
How does bulk trash pick-up work?
Bulk trash collection of non-recyclables and bulky collection of recyclables (metal, wood and brush) will be picked up once a month, on Thursdays, in accordance with the Bulk Pick-Up Schedule found on the Department of Public Works page of Township's website.
Zone 1: Northwest corner bounded by Township Lines and railroad on east and Lake Carasaljo on the south.
Zone 2: Northeast corner bounded by railroad on the west and south branch of Metadaconk on the south.
Zone 3: Southwest section bounded by Lake Carasaljo on north and Route 9 and Massachussetts Ave. south of Cross Street on the east.
Zone 4: Southwest section bounded by the south branch of the Metadaconk on the north and Route 9. Massachussetts Avenue south of Cross Street is on the west.
Please Note: Residents placing bulky trash materials at the curbside must call Public Works no later than the day before. No pickup is made unless you call, whereupon your address is put on the list and you are told what date to put out your bulky trash for pickup. Bulky trash may be placed at the curb the Saturday before the scheduled pickup, not before.
How can I report a streetlight outage?
If you notice a street light or public area light is out, please complete a report by clicking here:
JCP&Ls website
What day should I put out my garbage/recycling if there's a holiday?
If the Holiday falls on Monday, no pick up on Monday. Monday's pick up will be on Tuesday, Tuesday's pick up will be on Wednesday, Wednesday's pick up will be Thursday, Thursday's pick up will be on Friday. No bulk pick up for that week.
If the Holiday falls on Tuesday, Monday's pick up will be on Monday. No pick on Tuesday. Tuesday's pick up will be on Wednesday, Wednesday's pick up will be on Thursday, Thursday's pick up will be on Friday. No bulk pick up for that week
If the Holiday falls on Wednesday, Monday's pick up will be on Monday, Tuesday's pick up will be on Tuesday. No pick up on Wednesday. Wednesday's pick up will be on Thursday, Thursday's pick up will be on Friday. No bulk pick up for that week.
If the Holiday falls on Thursday, Monday's pick up will be on Monday, Tuesday's pick up will be on Tuesday, Wednesday's pick up will be on Wednesday. No pick up on Thursday. Thursday's pick up will be on Friday. No bulk pick up for that week.
If the Holiday falls on Friday, Monday's pick up will be on Monday. Tuesday's pick up will be on Tuesday. Wednesday's pick up will be on Wednesday, Thursday's pick up will be on Thursday. No bulk pick up for that week.
Any week that has a Holiday, there will be not be a bulk pick up that same week.
On which holidays is there no garbage pickup?
The Lakewood Township observes the following holidays: New Years Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, Lincoln's Birthday, President's Day/Washington's Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Where should I place the leaves for pickup?
Leaves should be raked to the street curbline, 10 feet from the storm drain. Leaves mixed with wood, brush, or dirt will not be picked up.
When are leaves picked up?
The pickup schedule is as follows:
The change is:
Zone 1 pick up the 1st week in November and December
Zone 2 pick up the 2nd week in November and December
Zone 3 pick up the 3rd week in November and December
Zone 4 pick up the 4th week in November and December
To schedule a leaf pickup after December 31, please call the Department of Public Works at 732-905-3405.
Can I place my bins at the curb the day before pickup?
No household waste or recyclables are to be placed at the curb before 5:00 pm the night before pickup, or after 7:00 am the day of pickup. Containers must be removed from the curb by 6:00 pm the same day of collection.
Can I recycle concrete, bricks, or cinder blocks?
Please check the phone book for vendors that can properly dispose of these materials.
Note: construction demolition material cannot be picked up at the curb - you must make private arrangements for the disposal of such items.
Can I recycle paint cans, chemicals, motor oil or hazardous material?
Please contact the Northern Ocean County Recycling Center at 732-367-0802 for more information on how to recycle these items.
Can I recycle metal objects?
All metal items such as washers, dryers, water heaters, bicycles, refrigerators (doors off), etc. can be placed at the curb for the scheduled pickup.
Can I recycle furniture or other wood products?
Wood items such as tables, chairs, cabinets, etc. can be placed at the curb for the scheduled pickup.
Can I recycle car parts?
You may recycle tires and car batteries. You may bring these items to Public Works, 1 America Avenue, from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm on weekdays, and from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on Saturdays. There is a limit of 5 tires per household, from cars and small trucks and only dismounted and off the rim. Curbside pickup is not available for these items.
Can I recycle tree branches and shrubbery?
Yes, however you must cut branches and shrubbery into 4' to 6' lengths, maximum 3" in diameter for curbside pickup.
Tree stumps and logs will not be picked up - you must make private arrangements for the disposal of these items.
Can I recycle computers and electronics?
Yes, you can bring it to Public Works, 1 America Avenue. You may also call 732-905-3405 to schedule a curbside pickup for these items.
Can I recycle clothing, hand bags, belts and shoes?
Yes, you can bring it to Public Works, 1 America Avenue. There is no curbside pickup for these items.
What items can I put in my yellow recycling container?
You may put the following into your Township-owned container marked "Recycling":
- Newspaper, cardboard, and mixed paper such as magazines, junk mail, office paper.
- All glass containers and plastic bottles
- Cans: tin, aluminum, aerosol
Please do not place plastic bags or chipboard in the recycling bin.
What is the recycling and garbage pickup schedule?
Please see the area map for reference.
Area 1: Monday
Northwest corner bounded by Township Lines and railroad on east and Lake Carasaljo on the south.
Area 2: Tuesday
Northeast corner bounded by railroad on the west and south branch of Metadaconk on the south.
Area 3: Thursday
Southwest section bounded by Lake Carasaljo on north and Route 9 and Massachussetts Ave. south of Cross Street on the east.
Area 4: Friday
Southwest section bounded by the south branch of the Metadaconk on the north and Route 9. Massachussetts Avenue south of Cross Street is on the west.