Industry in Lakewood began more than 150 years ago. One of our founding fathers, Joseph Brick, established the Bergen Iron Works in 1833, creating the region's first significant hub for employment. Today, Lakewood is alive with economic development and growth. Our industrial parks are composed of more than 2200 acres of land, housing over 350 businesses and providing employment for almost 10,000 people. Together, the industrial parks comprise the second largest municipal industrial complex in the state. The continued health and vitality of the Township Industrial Park and Urban Enterprise Zone reflects itself upon the positive present state and future predictions of economic success and job creation for Lakewood. Lakewood Industrial Commission and Lakewood Development Corporation continue to attract and retain business and reap continued success in the business sector.
Major Developers:
- Ed Bennett Properties
- Iorio Construction
- Sudler Companies
- Advantage Properties
- Excel Business Partners
Interested in starting a business? Let the Lakewood Development Corporation help. Under the direction of David Klein, the LDC can provide help and services to get you off the ground and provide a profitable future for your company.
For more information call Lakewood Development Corporation: 732-364-2500 x5257