Industrial Commission Department of Economic Development

Steven Reinman

Steven Reinman
Director, Department of Economic Development
Executive Director, Industrial Commission
Manager, Lakewood Airport

Anita Doyle

Anita Doyle
Adminstrative Manager

Robert Kirschner


Justin Flancbaum

Vice Chairman

Gregg Stafford

Gregg B.

Thomas Calabro


Moshe Gleiberman


Hal Halvorsen


Shlomo Katz


View Board Members
Lakewood Township's Office of Economic Development comprises several component parts of local business support activities. They are:
Economic Development
Lakewood Industrial Commission
Lakewood Airport

Economic Development is somewhat of a catch-all title, encompassing creative program development, cooperation with state and federal business development programs, land use planning and governmental relations management, as well as numerous other items that fall under our umbrella. We have designed and implemented programs in cooperation with our local UEZ as well as worked with entrepreneurs, community activists and other interested parties to bring business to Lakewood and to spur economic growth in the community.

Lakewood Industrial Commission oversees the Lakewood Industrial Parks and acts as a business community ombudsman on behalf of the township. Managing the sale of land within our more than 2,000 acres of Industrial Parks and promoting the growth of business in the parks has been the charter of LIC since its inception in the 1960s. Today's Industrial Parks, mostly built out with over 200 buildings to which over 10,000 people a day come to work, are a central cornerstone in Lakewood's overall economic strategy. Redevelopment opportunities are being considered, and several large scale strategic projects in infrastructure planning are in progress.

Lakewood Airport, located at the heart of the Industrial Park Campus, has been a vital part of the attraction of Lakewood's industrial zone for many years. An early magnet that helped draw companies like FedEx so they could fly out of, Lakewood Airport's strategic value has since shifted to other value propositions. Where the volume of business of a FedEx or UPS is beyond the runway capabilities of our facility, increased small corporate craft volume along with a growing level of helicopter traffic continues to highlight the value of local feeder airports. Charters activity is steady and promises to increase along with the increased business activity in the region. Recreational aircraft continues to be a strong feature for Lakewood Airport, and plans are in the works for airshows and other attractions to help increase awareness and use of this valuable township asset.

Latest Updates

PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 3/12/25
MINUTES - Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of 1/8/25
PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 2/5/25
MINUTES - Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of 12/11/24
PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 1/8/25
PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 12/11/24
MINUTES - Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of 10/9/24
PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 11/6/24
PUBLIC MEETING PACKET for the Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of Wednesday, 10/9/24
MINUTES - Lakewood Industrial Commission Meeting of 9/11/24
View all Updates


Where can I park my truck and/or trailer overnight?
Two resources for overnight truck and trailer parking are:
Cedarcom 732-994-4000
All-Chem 800-451-2436
Who can I speak to about assistance with land development or other large scale project issues?
County and State resources which may be helpful include:
1. Ocean County Government: 732-244-2121
2. State of New Jersey:
3. NJ Business Action Center: 1-866-534-7789
4. NJ Economic Development Authority:
5. NJ Dept of Environmental Protection:
What opportunities are there in the Industrial Park for lease or purchase of commercial space?
Lakewood's Industrial Park buildings are owned privately and managed by those owners or their agents.

The Lakewood Development Corporation employs Gerald Walsh, a licensed real estate agent, to assist businesses with location or expansion in Lakewood. This is a free service to our businesses. Mr. Walsh can be contacted at 732-364-2500 extension 5408.

Several other real estate agents have very active practices in Industrial Park space. A listing of those most active and known to the department follows:
1. Bennet Properties
2. Sudler Properties
3. Turton Real Estate
Any owner or broker wishing to be added to this list, please submit your contact information to this department through the contact section below.
What incentives can I get for moving a business to Lakewood?
Lakewood offers a number of incentives to relocating businesses and startup businesses. Our UEZ office and Dept. of Economic Development can help assess the package of benefits available to your particular business. Please submit an inquiry on this website or call the offices during regular business hours for a direct consultation.
LWYW - How do I find out more about the Live Where You Work program and how I can use it?
The details and relevance to your home-buying opportunity will be examined and explained to you by your mortgage broker. For direct connection to the state agency managing this process, please see or call 609-278-7400.
How can I qualify and apply for tax abatement on my new building?
Please see Township Ordinances regarding Abatements and the process for filing a request. Requests which are properly filed will be reviewed by the Economic Development and Assessor departments and a recommendation made to the Township Committee. Forms may be requested from the Municipal Clerk (or downloaded from the Download Center).

The Industrial Commission Department of Economic Development

231 Third Street
Municipal Building
Lakewood, NJ 08701
732-364-2500 ext. 5395
Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM
Note: If this is an OPRA request it must be sent to the Township Clerk